Monday, March 2, 2015


Day 1 of The 21 Day Fix  Xtreme is in the record books!

This morning I weighed in at 136lbs. I have been doing PIYO but I have been cheating on my meal planning for 2weeks now:( I was originally going to finish my PIYO before I started the extreme but I changed my mind after i weighed in this week. I needed a fresh start to get me back to normal, so here I am:) 

Im going to be updating my blog weekly with transformation pics and weigh ins, also, I
will be posting my 21 day fix extreme recipes that I use the most:)

If you have any questions about the program or are interested in purchasing the program please visit my webpage or if your interested in becoming a challenger in my next online fitness and accountability group click here :)

DAY 1: 21DFX: 136LBS

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