Tuesday, November 11, 2014

OK, I blew it last week! I didn't gain any weight, I didn't go up a pants size, but I did snack here and there on stuff I shouldn't have and I drank soda for the first time since June 4th! 
I know that don't sound very serious but it wasn't just one can of Dr. pepper, it was a can every time I got thirsty for almost an entire week. 

No big deal right? Wrong!!! 
I have felt sick every since the first can, I can't believe how it sucks the life right outta you, & the headaches, and the bloated feeling has got to go! 

Why did I do it when I knew it would make me feel awful?
Because I'm a stress eater by nature, it just so happened that I was to stressed to really eat so the "convenience thinking" started... One can will make me feel better and its just one can...
 NOPE! I was wrong!

So I am fixing it! 


I have a love hate relationship with this program, however, I'm so grateful to Beachbody for offering it! I'm not gonna lie, it's a hard program! It's not that its demanding it's just that you really have to plan it out:) This pic was took on my day one of three and I'm very excited to get back to feeling like myself! I will post my results on day 3!

If you would like more information on the 3-Day Refresh click HERE!

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