Sunday, January 29, 2012


In my own little world it hardly ever rains
I've never gone hungry or always felt safe
I got some money in my pocket shoes on my feet
In my own little world
Population me
by: Mathew West

Have you ever stopped to think that your own little world is not about you? How do you want to contribute to this world? You cant end world hunger but you can feed the hungry little girl down the street. You cant make world peace but you can end a family feud by a kind word.  God opens doors that you think your not strong enough to go through but he does this to show you what you are capable of doing for Him. When my dad died in May I just knew I was going to die of a broken heart ( I know your thinking that's extreme) but the truth of the matter is my heart still isn't healed. Truthfully I don't think it ever will be but the fact of the matter is that God used this as a way to be more sensitive to others needs. Now my heart aches for everyone no matter how big or small their hurt is. God showed me that their was a place for people like me, its to be the shoulder to lean on for people who are in need of grace.

We all arrive here in this place,
Imperfect people in need of grace.
But that's why god sent his only son to die,
So that every broken heart could have a life inside.
So, just open up your broken heart

by :Matthew West


Thursday, January 26, 2012


I'm one of those girls that has always struggled with weight issues. I'm a "MANIC MOM" who runs errands, shuttles my kids everywhere, I have the cool house in the neighborhood (so there is always extra kids around), cleaning & cooking, the list could go for days but I will spare you. The fuel to do this throughout the day is usually gas station peanuts, Slim Jim's and caffeine drinks just so that I can crash after dinner not able to lift a finger much less go for a run! I'm determined to find a plan that gets me back to the picture weight above and I want you to join me, suggestions and tips are welcome here... so let me have it. I'll keep y'all posted <3

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


JESUS SPEAKS: “Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.” Luke 12:23  
 I just want to say that the mentality of the Lord Jesus Christ is what I seek to have in this life. However I'm just like any of you and there's times when I catch myself in the middle of one of my "Irish-Child of the Mtns." temper tantrums because someone has decided to make assumptions about my lifestyle, my clothes or something completely irrelevant to who i actually am! So what if my jeans are ripped, boots dirty, and there is mud on my jeep! Only God can judge me!!!!  I'm going to leave you with one thought --------------------------
  • When you only deal with what everyone else is doing wrong you will never deal with your own issues.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

That's me on the left... just a "typical" crazy 27yr. old... yea right!  Try Mother of 2, wife of 8yrs., and my husband is a workaholic that owns his own concrete finishing business (can anyone say "OCD"?).   Our lifestyle is not for everyone but it fits us just fine.  Anyways just as an intro I wanted to fill you in on the reason I'm starting to blog.  I have an "out of the box" view on some of life's most controversial topics because of my raising so I thought I would share it with y'all!  I'm open to any and all suggestions to making this blog better so please feel free to share any tips you may have.  Thank you all <3